Unfortunately, most of us including those who use and those who produce water take for granted its essentiality. For example, lets consider how precisely water is distributed in the human body.

Water distribution is extremely critical. There must be at all times a balance of 35% of the water in the body outside our cells; 25% of the body water has to be located inside our cells while the remaining 40% needs to be circulating in the bloodstream. When this distribution is not maintained the production of energy for the body will be compromised.

Think for a moment about how this distribution changes in a performing athlete especially those sports that require endurance such as football or long distance running. Water is quickly lost from the athlete's body because of high temperatures and/or the athletic demands of the sport. Internally water from outside the cell moves to replace fluid loss inside the cell. Water from the bloodstream shifts to replace the lost fluid volume from outside the cells. The athlete will ultimately experience a lower circulating blood volume. The normal balance of water distribution (40-35-25) has shifted disproportionately.

To restore water balance in the body requires the individual to begin comsuning water--pure clean, and unadulterated. The long distance runner anticipates the next water stop or the football player anxiously grabs his water bottle at the sidelines. It's at times such as these we are reminded of the essentiality of water. The old nursery rhyme which says, "Water, water everywhere, but not a drop to drink", is better stated each time the body needs water, "water, water everywhere and thanks to OUR WATER COMPANY for every drop we drink.


Our customers are often surprised at the quantity of water they use in a normal day's time. Although the figure can obviously vary depending on individual habits, each person in a household usually uses approximately 85 gallons of water each day. In many cases, this number is 100 gallons a day or more. And this figure doesn't include the amount of water used to water lawns in the summer. *Based on a 1984 study by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. (Yes, the average household has a toilet leak which accounts for 5% of each person's water usage). Routine activities can use more water than you think. Study the figures below to pinpoint areas where you might cut your usage. ACTIVITY GALLONS USED Shower 20-50 (5-10 per minute) Tub Bath 36 (full) Toilet Flush 5-7 Tooth Brushing 2 (tap running) Hand Washing 2 (tap running) Shaving 3-5 (tap running) Dish Washing 20 (tap running) Automatic Dishwasher 10-15 (full cycle) Clothes Washer 30-60 (full cycle) Outdoor Watering 5-10 (per minute)

Water Use Inside the Home -

Without Conservation: Water use in the typical single family home is quite variable and measurement of individual end use events is difficult. The above chart assumes that the typical home has no water conservation fixtures. Water use for such a home amounts to 64.6 gallons per capita (person) per day (gcd).

With Conservation: The average home can reduce inside water use by approximately 31% to a total of 44.7 gcd by installing readily available water efficient fixtures/appliances and taking measures to minimize leaks (see supporting data table). These fixtures/measures include: Install ultra-low flush tiolets that flush with 1.6 gallons. Use showerheads that use no more than 2.5 gallons per minute when wide open. Use faucets that flow at 2.2 gallons per minute maximum. Replace the more common, less efficient (agitator type) clothes washer with a high efficiency (tumbler type) clothes washer which uses about 30% less water (and 30 - 40% less energy). Practice routine common sense leak detection and control for additional savings. Periodically, "zero read" your water meter for leaks and eliminate any leaks found by replacing leaking toilet flappers, worn valve seats, faucet washers and "o" rings, etc., does save water. Potential Conservation Savings: Remember that the above comparison is based on a home with "no conservation fixtures" vs. one that has all the commonly available conservation fixtures and devices. In real life, this is rarely the case. Most areas of our country, whether rainy or dry, have for one reason or another been exposed to the need to conserve water. Values presented are in large part based on actual field measurements using new logging technology.


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