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Prophecy News
Brother John's Blog
Friday, 24 December 2010
IBM Prediciting Holographic Smart Phones within the next 5 Years!
Mood:  celebratory
Topic: Prophecy News

Shades of the "image of the beast"? Go about :55 in if you don't want to watch the entire thing.


Knowledge will increase!


Posted by vaulterjohn at 11:57 AM CST
Updated: Friday, 24 December 2010 12:04 PM CST
Sunday, 19 December 2010
2010's world gone wild: Quakes, floods, blizzards
Mood:  bright

Luke 21:11 says, "And great earthquakes shall be in divers places, and famines, and pestilences; and fearful sights and great signs shall there be from heaven."  The following article seems to show fullfillment of this ancient prophecy?  

  2010's world gone wild: Quakes, floods, blizzards


For those of you who believe the global warming theory or not, it can be argued that something is happening and Dr. Luke seemed to know it was coming. 

Posted by vaulterjohn at 2:12 PM CST
Updated: Sunday, 19 December 2010 2:16 PM CST
Saturday, 4 December 2010
Knowledge Continues To Increase!
Mood:  celebratory
Topic: Prophecy News
The following article tells us how Moore's Law continues to rule in computer speed advancement:

Exaflop computing: Moore's Law isn't dead, It's Moved to Warp Speed

By Jason Perlow | December 2, 2010

And now IBM has figured out a way to use photons (light) for the circuity vs. semiconductors (wires)!

"Exaflop computing: Moore's Law (isn't dead, It's Moved to Warp Speed"

"The most powerful supercomputer in the world, the Tianhe-1A, has achieved 2.67 Petaflop/s or 2.67 quadrillion floating point operations, per second. But compared to future nanophotonics-based systems, assessing the legacy performance of the Tianhe-1A will be like comparing the top speed of a Segway personal transport to that of a Bugatti Veyron. Or an X-15."

So what does this mean to us? Well you can gene sequence your baby for future diseases and maybe they will come up with a "half accurate" climate model so we will actually know whether there is global warming and whether we are at all responsible! And even more importantly we can better search for aliens! And of course the military will find all sorts of applications! Also, we can make better robots so we can do less physical work and get even more obese ! 3D movies will improve and so will holographs (image of the beast?)!

Go Here for the article.

Posted by vaulterjohn at 11:36 AM CST
Knowledge Continues To Increase!
Mood:  celebratory
Topic: Prophecy News
The following article tells us how Moore's Law continues to rule in computer speed advancement:

Exaflop computing: Moore's Law isn't dead, It's Moved to Warp Speed

By Jason Perlow | December 2, 2010

And now IBM has figured out a way to use photons (light) for the circuity vs. semiconductors (wires)!

"Exaflop computing: Moore's Law (isn't dead, It's Moved to Warp Speed"

"The most powerful supercomputer in the world, the Tianhe-1A, has achieved 2.67 Petaflop/s or 2.67 quadrillion floating point operations, per second. But compared to future nanophotonics-based systems, assessing the legacy performance of the Tianhe-1A will be like comparing the top speed of a Segway personal transport to that of a Bugatti Veyron. Or an X-15."

So what does this mean to us? Well you can gene sequence your baby for future diseases and maybe they will come up with a "half accurate" climate model so we will actually know whether there is global warming and whether we are at all responsible! And even more importantly we can better search for aliens! And of course the military will find all sorts of applications! Also, we can make better robots so we can do less physical work and get even more obese ! 3D movies will improve and so will holographs (image of the beast?)!

Go Here for the article.

Posted by vaulterjohn at 11:36 AM CST
Thursday, 22 July 2010
Facial Recognition Directed Adds Are Here!
Mood:  incredulous
Topic: Prophecy News

Remember Tom Cruse in "The Minority Report" movie? There were computers embedded in the walls that performed scans of his chip as he walked by. They then produced advertisements directed at him. Well Hollywood is now! China is experimenting with facial recognition software which scans a person's face, making an approximate age determination (within 10 years) and gender and then displays relevant adds and tweaks them based on reaction. See the following video:


 This is another example, in my opinion, of how Knowledge will increase, as described in Daniel, in the End times.   

Posted by vaulterjohn at 11:01 AM CDT
Updated: Saturday, 19 March 2011 2:59 PM CDT
Wednesday, 7 July 2010
Death of a Prophecy Giant
Mood:  caffeinated

Salem Kirban died in April of this year at age 84!  Salem Kirban was the author of more than 50 books on Bible prophecy and health.  

He is survived by his wife of 63 years, Mary. They had previously lived in Huntingdon Valley, Pa., Montrose, Pa., and Loon Lake, Wash.

He was a graduate of Girard College and Temple University.  Kirban served in the U.S. Navy from 1944 to 1945 on the ship USS Polana.

 After covering Vietnam as a war correspondent in 1967, he wrote his first book, Goodbye Mr. President.  His best sellers include, Guide to Survival, 666, 1000, Your Last Goodbye, Revelation Visualized, and The Salem Kirban Reference Bible.  He had spoken in more than 400 churches nationwide. He founded Second Coming ministries in 1970, reaching souls throughout the world. 

My Mom gave me his "Salem Kirban Reference Bible" in the early 70's and it was always an awsome bible.  He took Revelation and did extensive commentaries on only every 2 or 3 versus. 

 An Arab, he had an unusual perspective to bring to prophecy and I was trying to find out his perspective on the rise of the Muslim's in prophecy!  I had contacted him about helping him on his web site and he said it was an answer to prayer but I failed to hear anymore from him and became concerned.  This was about a year ago and after searching I found his obit.

Well he now knows when the Lord will return and I am jealous of his being with Jesus but it is God's Will!!!!!!!!!!! 

Posted by vaulterjohn at 7:04 PM CDT
Tuesday, 11 May 2010
Update on Potential Antichrist Candidate
Mood:  quizzical

I go into many possible Antichrist candidates on my Matthew 24 site and came across some updates on the Maitreya candidate.  I was just about to remove this from my site because Benjamin Creme has made a career out of promoting this guy's appearance for over 30 years and nothing has happened until now and we are still not sure if this is the guy because although Creme announces him, he does not identify him!  How convenient!!!!

Here is a 2010 you tube video entitled "Maitreya, The World Teacher Steps Forward"! As you will see, only the old Benjamin Creme speaks and no Maitreya steps forward, with the excuse that he has given his first interview on a US TV program but appears as a regular man. And curiously he will not reveal his identity until the majority of the world accepts him! Creme has made a living of promoting this guy for 30+ years! Watch it for yourself:

Curiously and maybe coincidently, Creme has stated in the past, that the Maitreya was born in 1972 in Britain and would initially deny his deity until accepted. Well Raj Patel fits this MO and in January of 2010 became a US citizen. From Wikipedia, "Born in London in 1972 to a mother from Kenya and a father from Fiji, he grew up in Golders Green in north-west London where his family ran a corner shop. Patel received a B.A in Philosophy, Politics and Economics, from Oxford, and a Masters Degree from the London School of Economics, and gained his PhD in Development Sociology from Cornell University in 2002. He has been a visiting scholar at Yale and the University of California, Berkeley. As part of his academic training, Patel worked at the World Bank, World Trade Organization and the United Nations. He has since become an outspoken public critic of all of these organizations, and claims to have been tear-gassed on four continents protesting against his former employers." His latest book is, "The value of Nothing". "Stuffed and Starved" was his first book. GoHere for more on him. See the youtube interview of him:

After listing to this guy, he seems pretty sharp and who knows, if he is incarnated by Satan, as the Antichrist will be, he could fool many?


Posted by vaulterjohn at 12:41 PM CDT
Updated: Tuesday, 11 May 2010 12:53 PM CDT
Thursday, 15 April 2010

I have not posted for some time because I have been a house husband while my wife worked full-time for awhile. She has now decided to retire (to at least part-time work) and I have more time to post.

Is the Lord about to return? Only He knows! Yes, He does say "no one knows the day or hour" but as some point out and I think is a possibility (not adamant about however) He is hinting that His return may be on a future Rosh Hashanah? This expression was used because originally, before the Jews fully understood the movement of the cosmos, two priests watched for a possible two-day occurrence of the start of the new moon to then establish all subsequent feast and festival days.

So, to reiterate, I am not saying the Lord's return is soon but as I have observed for almost 40 years, it sure seems so but I am not going to be adamant! I think we should be watching and there is a reward for that, although Jesus can have all of my rewards if He just lets me spend eternity with Him!

So, it seems that earthquakes are increasing in frequency and intensity, as predicted in Matthew 24, but this is debatable and I elaborate on this on my site at earthquakes

Also, there seems to be an increase in "signs in the heavens" as predicted in Luke 21? Notice the extremes in heat and cold, which some would say is because of climate change, but also the volcanic eruption in Iceland and the closing of airports in Europe? Of course, this could be just the Lord shaking things up and I might argue that this is part of the end-time scenario to convince us to except Him or know why we are condemned to eternal separation from Him on judgment day because we wanted to call our own shots!

Note this article showing we are approaching the intelligence of God (or so we think as we build the tower of Babel), "UK scientists have created "designer embryos" containing DNA from a man and TWO women".  Go here for the entire article.

Just some rambling thoughts and if you are not right with God, pray for discernment, or things might drive you crazy and keep looking up!

Posted by vaulterjohn at 12:21 PM CDT
Sunday, 17 January 2010
Topic: Prophecy News
Jesus goes on to say in Mat 24:7 (Rev 6:5) that the famine and earthquakes are:"...the beginning of birth pangs.

The context seems to be that just as birth pangs increase for a woman in childbirth, these things will increase. Also, they may tend to occur in unlikely places.


Many casualties expected after big quake in Haiti

By JONATHAN M. KATZ, Associated Press Writer Jonathan M. Katz, Associated Press Writer – Tue Jan 12, 6:35 pm ET PORT-AU-PRINCE, Haiti – The largest earthquake ever recorded in the area shook Haiti on Tuesday, collapsing a hospital where people screamed for help. Other buildings also were damaged and scientists said they expected "substantial damage and casualties." With communications disrupted there were no reports of deaths or injuries soon after the quake, as powerful aftershocks shook the country. The earthquake had a preliminary magnitude of 7.0 and was centered about 10 miles (15 kilometers) west of the capital of Port-au-Prince, the U.S. Geological Survey said. It had a depth of 5 miles (8 kilometers). It was the largest quake recorded in the area, said USGS analyst Dale Grant, and the last major one since a magnitude-6.7 temblor in 1984. Go Here for the rest of the article.

UN says Haiti quake worst disaster it has ever faced

The earthquake in Haiti, which may have killed 50,000 people, is the worst disaster that the UN has faced in its history because of the number of local structures it destroyed, said a spokeswoman for the UN's Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, Elisabeth Byrs. (AFP)

And the 2009 results are in and seem to show an increase in what I consider the more intense quakes of 7.0 or more (not including the 7.0 already in Haiti in 2010). But you will have to judge whether God is trying to shake us awake for His pending return.   Go  to the following link to see the latest  table: https://vaulterjohn.tripod.com/matthew24.htm#earthquakes


Posted by vaulterjohn at 9:51 AM CST
Thursday, 23 April 2009
Internet has only just begun, say founders
Mood:  celebratory
Topic: Prophecy News


"While the Internet has dramatically changed lives around the world, its full impact will only be realized when far more people and information go on-line, its founders (Tim Berners-Lee and Robert Cailliau in 1989) said Wednesday.

Just 23 percent of the globe's population currently uses the Internet, according to the United Nation's International Telecommunications Union, with use much higher in developed nations.

The number of Web sites has since ballooned from just 500 as recently as 1994 to over 80 million currently, with growing numbers of sites consisting of user-generated content like blogs."

I told my 86 year old mother that, if she lives long enough, she will be required to be on the internet for tracking purposes and to be able to buy and sell.  She is a Christian and knows the prophecy of control by the Antichrist!  I told my 93 year old neighbor this same thing yesterday, taking the opportunity to witness to her!

 For those who have not heard it before, the letter "W" in Hebrew can be replaced by the number "6".  

So, the WWW technology -- which simplifies the process of searching for information on the Internet -- was first made more widely available from 1991, stands for "666!"  As has been pointed out by Hebrew scholars, however, "WWW" does not add up to 6 hundred and 66 but still one can argue that it represents 3, 6's in a row, which I believe tells us that the Antichrist, which for those of you who don't know that the book of Revelation identifies with this number, he will use the internet to prevent those who refuse his "Mark" to be able to buy or sell!

Go to my internet site to learn more about this! 


Keep looking up "for our redemption draweth nigh"! 


Posted by vaulterjohn at 8:39 AM CDT

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